Yearly Ice Contracting
From start-up to removal, our trained staff will provide ice installation and general day-to-day maintenance to provide you with quality ice conditions throughout your club's season.
Based on your league and bonspiel schedules, we will provide staff to get your season up and running, with daily ice preparation throughout the year.
Services include:
Ice Installation
Plant start-up
Leveling floods
Paint and sealing
Ring and divider installation
Placement of all in-ice logos, markers and advertising
General Day-to-Day Maintenance
Daily scraping
Cleaning and pebbling for each draw
Ice and Air temperature checks and adjustments
Weekly Maintenance
Deep scrape
Burning or hot mopping
Filling for knee/hand prints
Mid-Season Maintenance
Deep scrape
Burn or controlled melt
Reassessment of facility requirements
Ice Removal
Removal of rocks from ice surface and storage
Melting ice
Removal/cleaning of decals
Pad clean up
Plant shut-down
Contact us for pricing